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Woods under threat near Nethybridge in winter

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BSCG Backs the Initiative for Scottish Invertebrates

14th November 2007

BSCG was represented at a major gathering involving a wide range of experts that was held in October 2007 at SNH’s centre at Battleby to progress the Initiative for Scottish Invertebrates (ISI).

ISI has been widely welcomed from across Scotland and is being spearheaded by the invertebrate charity Buglife. BSCG is supporting this project and on the question of support for it have publicly commented “that to deliver on challenging government biodiversity targets and legal biodiversity duties for Scottish invertebrates there comes a point when resources certainly count. With more of these forthcoming there could be considerable benefits for Scotland and our district.” In an article in the Strathspey & Badenoch Herald (14 November 2007) under the heading Tree Talk ISI is given a special mention. The article states that it is hoped that it “will make an important contribution to saving some of Scotland’s most neglected but important wildlife”.

narrow headed ant

narrow headed ant
The amazing narrow headed ant, a rare wood ant, is one of many species of invertebrate needing help in Scotland.It has a particular stronghold in Strathspey. This ant received special mention at the October ISI meeting organised by Buglife. These workers of the narrow-headed ant were photographed in 2007 within a site threatened by development at Carrbridge where the narrow-headed ant has an important population. BSCG is represented on the narrow-headed ant and wood ant steering group and we have been working to help ensure that this UK Red Data Book 1 and Scottish Biodiversity List Species species and other Scottish Biodiversity List wood ants and the habitats on which they depend are not forgotten by the planning authorities (Coyright BSCG).

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